Action Websticker Demo

The action websticker is a streamlined way for advocates to reach out to legislators, regulators and other stakeholders regarding issues that matter to your organization. We can host a page like this for you. Or, you can easily embed the websticker in your page as well as affiliate and partner pages. It is a great way to guide new audiences to join your cause. Advocates can opt-in to receive email and/or text messages from you in the future about your campaigns.

Advocates can reach out to legislators via Email, Phone Call (click to call or dial on their own), Facebook and Twitter. As with campaigns hosted in our action center, results are tracked in real-time so you can measure your impact. You can watch activity in real-time on a live activity map and produce out of the box reports as deliverables.

If you would like to take a closer look, please reach out to us to schedule a demo.


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